Hosh'a-Na and The nameAn interesting point about the Hosha-Na practice: I have to point out that we must remember that the time frame I am talking about is at...
Yom TeruahEvery year when we come to the time of Yom Teruah (aka Rosh HaShanah), I get into the discussion of what is the תרועה- Teruah which the...
Blessing- ברכה possible etymologyA very long time ago I saw a post about the word ברכה Berakha- Blessing which made me wonder about the origins of the word. The post...
Beards #2With the development of western culture and the clash between it and aspects of the ancient world many men are posed with the question of...
Gender specification in Biblical HebrewUnfortunately people write very long posts on subjects which are more of a dictionary entry when written by an expert. This is the case...
New moon sixth monthThis is an image of the new moon as seen from the Galilee last night (8/16/2015). It was originaly posted on Facebook, but was removed...
Beards #1Beards have been an integral part of the world since, well since man. In the Tanakh we find several interesting passages that deal with...
Yoqne'am-Image of a Livitical cityYoqne'am is a less known Tel (artificial mound) which sits just outside of the modern Yoqne'am of today near the eastern slop of Mount...
Leviticus 18The debate is up regarding Leviticus 18 and the context it is in. Due to the request of many from me to speak on this matter, I will be...