One Flesh (Gen 2:24)I was asked the following question about the relationship between man and woman in the context of Gen 2:24, and the meaning of the words...
All Ye of Black HairAn interesting term found both in ANE text and Jewish sources is "Black headed peoples". This term is found in Sumerian poetry and legal...
Be a real man-Gever and GiborThere is an old saying in Jewish sources איזהו גיבור? הכובש את יצרו- Eyzhe Hu Gibor? Hakovesh Et Ytsro- who is a hero? He who overcomes...
Place a Heart- Ancient IdiomAn ancient idiomatic expression found also in Hebrew is "לשים לב- Lasim Lev-To place the heart". ל-Preposition meaning "to" שׁים- Place...