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Bread #2
Challah bread is the most common bread for Shabbat in Jewish circles, and in many cases is the common bread used before and after...
How red do you need to be?
In this weeks Torah reading we add the section from the Red Heifer in Numbers 19 which was used to cleans the people when coming in...
Gifts and Offerings
An interesting thing about Biblical Hebrew is the specific use of words. We are mostly exposed to the limited vernacular of Hebrew and...
Be a real man-Gever and Gibor
There is an old saying in Jewish sources איזהו גיבור? הכובש את יצרו- Eyzhe Hu Gibor? Hakovesh Et Ytsro- who is a hero? He who overcomes...
Place a Heart- Ancient Idiom
An ancient idiomatic expression found also in Hebrew is "לשים לב- Lasim Lev-To place the heart". ל-Preposition meaning "to" שׁים- Place...
Come or Go? Parashat Bo
Very commonly we find that words carry a very different meaning than they used to. In many cases a commentator will give an incorrect...
Aramaic and Hebrew in Contact #2: Shabbat the Queen?
Very commonly people refer to Shabbat as a "Queen" and the famous song "Lekha Dodi" uses the female imagery under the word “Bride”....
This past week we have had a massive storm in Israel, which made me wonder about an old post I wrote several years ago, and has been lost...
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