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Yom Teruah
Every year when we come to the time of Yom Teruah (aka Rosh HaShanah), I get into the discussion of what is the תרועה- Teruah which the...
Blessing- ברכה possible etymology
A very long time ago I saw a post about the word ברכה Berakha- Blessing which made me wonder about the origins of the word. The post...
Gender specification in Biblical Hebrew
Unfortunately people write very long posts on subjects which are more of a dictionary entry when written by an expert. This is the case...
Beards #1
Beards have been an integral part of the world since, well since man. In the Tanakh we find several interesting passages that deal with...
Small men and the pupil
I will admit that this post is a response to a post I saw about a Hebrew word. It is very common for people who are not experts in the...
Avraham and Malkitsedeq
One of the most difficult subjects to write about are the things which serve an ideology for some. When I attempt to explain certain...
Praise be to Yah is known in Hebrew as HaleluYah-הללויה. The breakdown of this word is the verb הלל- to praise, and יה- the poetic form...
Bread and food
Who doesn't love a freshly backed slice of bread? With the exception of people who have health problems, most of us see bread as a basic...
Joshua 5 and the Omer
The point of this discussion is not when do we bring the Omer, but can we use Joshua 5 to argue for a date. However, the discussion of...
How old am I?
A question which I deal with every year, but do not have a conclusive answer: How old did the Pesach lamb have to be? The question is on...
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